It's been over a year since my last post!!! Snikies! So happy to have a "real" computer again.. Looking forward to blogging more often now. I was NOT gonna try to do this on my little celly phone. TONS of stuff has happened in our little family over the year hiatus.. Mostly good stuff, some wonderful stuff, and at the moment, I can't think of any really terrible stuff.. God has been..... Well, GOD. He's so good to me, even if there had been terrible moments.. He would still be good.
Here's a little update on Z,Y & X.
Homeschooling has been going well.. Z is much more indenpendent from me with her studies. Altho, I keep a close eye on her, she is really grasping learning.. She's been taking piano for a year now, and is still loving it, I'm so pleased with how she diligently practices her lessons every day! She's enjoying Tae Kwon Do, (she just started) and her confidence has had a major boost.. I'm not intirely sure how that works, but I'm happy with the results so far.. She's becoming such a sweet, thoughtful, tenderhearted little lady.
Y.... My middle blonde bombshell.. WOW! She turned the big 5.. (A whole hand) And has changed soooooo much.. She's still the sweet little girl, but now with a big girl flare.. She's doing AWESOME in preschool.. I'm so happy with the school we chose for her.. I cannot believe the difference in her already.. Doing very well with speach now. And oh my, she LOVES to learn.. She cannot get enough learning!!! She is taking ballet lessons which she enjoys. And might I add, without her big sister to lead the way. (TKD is on the same evening of the week) She has a type A personality. And her dad & I marvel how easily she can make friends and how her little friends enjoy being around her. She has a knack for getting others to play what she wants to play.. For instance... At the moment Y & X are playing horsies in the next room. Y is completely directing the "conversation" the horese are having, with a quick, "Y, you chase these guys and say, mom! dad! wait for me!......k?" AND he listens to her! Something we'll have to keep an eye on definantly, but she has the makings of a leader.. Big job for her parents for sure.. But I'm pretty sure God won't let us down when we ask for direction.
X.... oh my.. My 3 yr old little man is Daddy's buddy thru and thru..And loves his momma fiercely He is the funniest, toughest little guy I know. I was wow'd one day this past week. He sat at the dinning room table by himself and did a "hard" puzzle for over an hour with just a couple breaks! I was happy to know that my wild 3 year old CAN focus for an extended amount of time!! He's definantly my line tester.. I have to look past that cute lil face& voice and keep him in line several times a day. He's a real hoot.. He is his daddys shadow.. They love to hunt, and kick.. (tkd, altho he is too young to take lessons, he enjoys kicking the bag w/ Z.) He and his dad sit in the man cave and watch deer hunting together.. X with his bow in hand.. =)
Welllll I gotta go.. We are going to a b-day party tonight and I've got to get these hooligans ready.. More later!!!!!
Friday, February 24, 2012
Thursday, January 20, 2011
A quick blog before I forget!
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Yesterday = Motherhood Failure
Yesterday I failed miserably at motherhood. I'm still feeling horrible about it.. Now I'm sure you are wondering "WHAT DID SHE DO?!?!" lol
Here's what I did. I let myself get angry with my children.. And I made Z cry because I yelled at her.. Wait, I take that back, I didn't yell at her, I screamed at her. 3 different times. I was so maxed to the limit of my patience! We sat and did a single days worth of 1st grade yesterday for 6 HOURS! School usually only takes us about 2 hrs. And she can breeze thru easily.. But that wasn't the case yesterday.. Math alone took 2 hrs !! She is great at math and doesn't need me to SIT on her to complete it. It normally takes her about 20 mins finish it! But that isn't the point. She is 6 years old, and she acts like a 6 year old.. I on the other hand, was NOT acting like a sane 28 yr old mother who enjoys raising her children. Infact, I DID NOT enjoy my children yesterday. I wanted to be selfish and I wanted everyone to leave me alone. I wanted my headache to stop, I wanted the noise that caused my ears to ring, to stop. I was craving a moment of silence. And when I finally got it at 10pm. I felt like a total jerk because I had acted like a bull in a china shop with my precious babies. These little people who think I'm the greatest person in the whole world. And I couldn't wait for them to go to bed, and leave me alone! How awful is that?! I took my frustration and tiredness out on the people I love more than anything else in this world. I was wrong to act like that and I asked for forgivness. So thankful I was granted a new day with new mercies.. Today X, Y& Z acted like they were 2,4 &6. And I acted like a 28 yr old mother who enjoys her children. (not saying there wasn't moments I wanted to go on the rampage) Thank you Lord for your Grace.♥
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Can't think of a good title... Sorry
Hmmmmmm...... The hubs took Z to get her allergy shot today.. She has been taking them once a week for 17 months now... 2 weeks ago they said she was at her maintainance dose, which I believe she can now go everyother week.. I hope The Hubs remembers to ask about it.. BTW I don't know if it's just coincidence or if it's for real, but Z hasn't had to use any steroids or inhaler for her asthma since last spring. I'm thinking that the allergy shots are infact working! The last few years we would be up all night with her coughing and wheezing every other night.. It was so exhausting! I was willing to try anything! But since last spring she has to yet cough that barky cough that used to send chills up my spine! So I'm not sure if it is the allergy shots or the fact that she is getting older and maybe outgrowing it..
Funny story about last night.. We went to bed kind of late.. I think the last time I looked at the clock it was 1:15am.. I knew I had to get up at 7:30 to get my shower and get ready for the day.. So when I woke up at 3:28am, all I saw was the :28am part.. lol Didn't pay attention to the hour. I got up and went to the bathroom to take a shower.. lol But I was stopped in the hallway by X who wasn't feeling well, so I took him back to our bed and looked at the clock again and realized it was actually 3:30 and not 7:30!! lol If X hadn't been in the hallway I would have taken a shower at 3:30am!!! lol Well I'm feeling the hankering for some biscuts and gravey.. So I'm signing off..
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Don't tell me, tell your dad.
heehee.. I feel a little guilty about that Infact those are the last words that just came out of my mouth!! X, Y and Z are SUPPOSED to be in bed, teeth are brushed, prayers said, and tucked in tight.. But apparently not tight enough.. I can hear their little feet and squeels.. And the little parent Z, has made her apperance to inform us that X and Y are NOT in bed anymore.. Like we couldn't tell.. I think I'll just let the hubs handle this one.. Because of course blogging is much more important than talking on the phone to his best bud about archery and hunting!!! lol Whew, here it comes again!! "I'm telling MOM!" -Z
Sooooo today....... Started out pretty slow.. Woke up, got breakfast, cleaned alittle, talked to Jamie.. ( I miss her so much.. And my brother and niece and nephew) Unstopped the toilet, cleaned up the gallons of water that overflowed.. I'm sure you can guess which one is the culprit on that shinanigan... Yep, the 2 yr old aka X. Did Z's school with her, the heaping mountain of laundy in the basement was reduced to a mole hill.. yay! Still have to put them all away though.. booo! Got ready for church.. and now we are back home again..
I'm kinda dreading tomorrow morning.. I was calling around today trying to find a dentist that takes our insurance.. I found one.. but didn't realize it till after the appointment was made that it's at the health department. ugh.. Nothing against the health department.. But it seems like they are such jerks in there.. Sorry Leah.. I know you work there.. And I'm sure your a sweet peach to all your clients!! ha! Anyway that is just a warning to you all that there is an outside chance that I will be blogging about some mean person at the health department!! I've already decided that IF this goes in a not so nice way tomorrow, then I'm canceling Y and X's appointments! So there! lol
Well that's that.. I'm signing out!
Sooooo today....... Started out pretty slow.. Woke up, got breakfast, cleaned alittle, talked to Jamie.. ( I miss her so much.. And my brother and niece and nephew) Unstopped the toilet, cleaned up the gallons of water that overflowed.. I'm sure you can guess which one is the culprit on that shinanigan... Yep, the 2 yr old aka X. Did Z's school with her, the heaping mountain of laundy in the basement was reduced to a mole hill.. yay! Still have to put them all away though.. booo! Got ready for church.. and now we are back home again..
I'm kinda dreading tomorrow morning.. I was calling around today trying to find a dentist that takes our insurance.. I found one.. but didn't realize it till after the appointment was made that it's at the health department. ugh.. Nothing against the health department.. But it seems like they are such jerks in there.. Sorry Leah.. I know you work there.. And I'm sure your a sweet peach to all your clients!! ha! Anyway that is just a warning to you all that there is an outside chance that I will be blogging about some mean person at the health department!! I've already decided that IF this goes in a not so nice way tomorrow, then I'm canceling Y and X's appointments! So there! lol
Well that's that.. I'm signing out!
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